Ain't It Cool News (

ABC's First New LOST Since March 1!!

I am – Hercules!!

“Lost” returns with a new episode tonight, and that can only mean more exciting torture for Henry Gale, everybody’s favorite accused faux-balloonist. Word is Ana Lucia takes a few minutes from building her castaway army to lend a hand.

The flashbacks again belong to Jin and Sun, owing perhaps to Jin’s seed finding purchase. Is it possible the pair was unable to conceive prior to taking up residence on Dharma Isle? Tonight’s ‘sode is titled “The Whole Truth.”

Tonight’s ‘sode is also the first of three new installments ABC is airing in a row. Spoilers for episodes beyond tonight’s lurk in the text invisible.

No matter how good or bad tonight’s installment is, you’ll be back next week. The Locke-centric “Lockdown,” sounds a bit more exciting, with Dharma’s Station 3 (Swan Station!) apparently going all nutty. Does a powerful dead comic-book nerd named Aaron lock some of the Flight 815 survivors inside with Henry? Locke’s dad and girlfriend will be back for the flashbacks.

The first April episode, “Dave,” apparently deals with a guy Hurley met in the mental institution. Evan Handler (“Sex and the City”) plays the title role. The ubiquitous Bruce Davison turns up as a doctor.

Subsequent episodes are said to feature flashbacks for tailies Bernard and Libby.

9 p.m. Wednesday. ABC.

Firefly: The Complete Series just went half-off -- $24.96 new!!

You say you don’t live in Los Angeles and have grown miserable hearing of Herc’s adventures at the Museum of Television’s William S. Paley Festival? Then you might have a gander at these:
2005 Paley Festival: Lost
2005 Paley Festival: Desperate Housewives
2005 Paley Festival: Boston Legal

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