Published at: Jan. 25, 2006, 3:12 a.m. CST by staff
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some news on the graphic novel PRIEST, about a priest in old West times that hunts down a band of vampires. I love me a good Western, a good horror movie and a good genre-bender, so this one could be great. It's being directed by Andrew Douglas who helmed the AMITYVILLE HORROR remake last year for Screen Gems. If he wants to make a movie that is embraced by the fan community, he's got to make something different. I was one of the few people who enjoyed the majority of AMITYVILLE HORROR, but where it went wrong was when it played things safe and traditional, thus predictable. For him to make this movie live up to the concept, Douglas has to step up to the plate and give us something fresh. What do you folks think?