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AICN Premieres the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 TEASER POSTER, Entertainment Tonight has the trailer premiere Monday!

Hey folks, Harry here... Entertainment Tonight has been running promos saying they'll be having the MI3 teaser trailer and I guess that's how we'll all see it for the first time. Paramount sent over this Teaser Poster - which is just the igniting of the MI titles - right? Graphically pretty darn cool. I can't wait to see what J.J. Abrams comes up with - but I hear that Tom Cruise dies in the opening credit sequence and Simon Pegg becomes the main character forming a team with Nick Frost, Ken Forey, Leonard Nimoy, Mark Hamill and Adam West to save the world... No, really. Ok. Ok. I didn't hear that. That's just delusional Harry B.S. Heh. But Simon Pegg is in this, which basically means separating me from this film will be like getting Rover off the knee when in heat.

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