M and Emma Frost popping up in X3? Who's playin' the White Queen?
Published at: Nov. 16, 2005, 4:56 p.m. CST by staff
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with some info on some possible familiar mutants you might see popping up in X3. It looks like M and Emma Frost will be in X3 in an unknown capacity, according to xmenfilms.net. They got tipped off that Ashley Hartman (The O.C.) will play Emma Frost, aka The White Queen, and Mercedes Scelba-Shorte (AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL) will be playing M. This is unconfirmed, but sounds right. When you click over to xmenfilms.net you'll see pics of these two lovely ladies and at least with Frost it seems to fit. I'm not as familiar with M, who appeared around the time I started getting disinterested in the books. What do you folks think?