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TERMINATOR the TV series? The Sarah Connor Chronicles minus the real Sarah Connor?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with one of the oddest bits of news out today. I love the first two TERMINATOR movies with a passion (matter of fact I just bought that great teaser trailer for T2 on 35mm that has a terminator being built). Not so much a fan of T3, although it had a great ending and some really fun action sequences... I just can't stand that "talk to the hand" bullshit humor.

So, I'm not sure what I think of Warner Bros and Fox TV doing the tentatively titled SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES, especially without Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor and no Arnie appearances at all. I'm not against seeing a series set in the Terminator universe, but the time between films 2 and 3 isn't exactly the most interesting time period I can think of (would there even be Terminators in this time period?), but they're supposedly wanting to focus on the relationship between Sarah and John Connor. I think it's a big mistake to try to make a Terminator series spin-off a drama. The masses will want robots beating the hell out of each other.

Everybody wants to see the future war and the ending of T3 promised that if we saw a further TERMINATOR film or story that's exactly what we'd get. With with Eastwood's dual FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS films, Tarantino's INGLORIOUS BASTARDS and the upcoming HALO flick, I'm betting that war movies are going to flourish very soon... maybe then we'll see some of that war that so intrigued the Terminator's core audience since we saw Kyle Reese dodge laser blasts before strapping on his Nike's back in 1984.

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