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The Haunting Of Hill House

Here's the other script I've read recently. Now I don't know how many of you have seen the old classic Robert Wise film THE HAUNTING, but it is one of my absolute fave films. The concept that a man named Robert Wise made my favorite haunted house film, my favorite serious sci fi film (Day the Earth Stood Still), West Side Story, Sound of Music and was editor on CITIZEN KANE... well, it's just stunning.

So when I heard DREAMWORKS was up to remaking THE HAUNTING I was dying to know exactly who was directing it. JAN DE BONT. Hmmmmmmm. Director of SPEED, SPEED 2 and TWISTER. In a million years I never would have thought of putting the most non-atmospheric director I can think of in charge of a remake of one of the greatest atmospheric films ever. When I heard this news, I assumed the script had to be a crapfest.


This script is fantastic. Let me set it up for you. The only thing that really changes is ELEANOR's mental monologues are gone. We no longer hear what she thinks. I miss this, as it was very much a fantastic way to get you inside the head of someone scared to death. Of course Julie Harris' performance was stunning.

The set up for the film is a bit different as well. ANd for me, this is just brilliant. The people at the house are no longer a 'team' that was sent to 'crack' the house. Instead this time they are merely a psychology experiment. One of them, "suggest to the experiment group that they are in a Haunted House and they will think they are" Now whether or not they are in a Haunted House... well you'll have to get that for yourself. It could all be in Eleanor's head, or they could indeed be in a Haunted House.

I will say that as written, this is the best Haunted House film not seen yet. It could be sooooo good. Personally my pick for Eleanor would be someone like Amanda Plummer. A quirky, slightly off type. But... god, they'll probably go for a younger... college age group. "It's SCREAM in a haunted house" I could hear some complete idiot exec saying right now. What Jan De Bont needs to do is get a damn good group of actors. Just the best friggin ensemble around. He needs to not overly camera trick this sucker. The house has got to be the star, as written its soooo atmospheric. Keep that atmosphere.

Both SPEED and TWISTER proved DeBont was a damn good 'technician' but they weren't the best of scripts and they weren't the best of casts. Here he truly has a GREAT script. I just hope he doesn't screw it up, because this movie could truly be wonderful. It's on paper, he's just got to translate it.

An addition here...

Below MORIARTY in talk back posted this. Not everyone reads talk back so I figure... why not go ahead and put it here. All I can say is this. Lili Taylor will be a STAR, a big league one, after this film comes out. She is perfect for the role. Wow. THis could be amazing. Her character is so wonderfully powerful in this script. Everyone... Go out and rent I SHOT ANDY WARHOL and be astounded. She's going to be fantastic. GOD, I'm excited now. Forget the Amanda Plummer bit, Lili Taylor will be great!

Hey, Head Geek... "Moriarty" here. Today's trades both report that Lili Taylor has been offered her first studio lead ever with HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. Now, to me personally, that's great news. I'm a fan of Lili's both personally and professionally, and if there's anyone that could make us forget Julie Harris's performance in the original, it's her. No word yet on casting for the other key roles, but with production so close to happening, expect a lot of announcements very soon. "Moriarty" out.

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