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Is Charles Band & His FULL MOON HORROR ROAD SHOW Coming To Your Town Soon' He's In Austin, This Wednesday!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with something pretty frickin' awesome. As most of you know - beginning this Thursday at the Alamo Drafthouse South - we're throwing our first FANTASTIC FEST! I've been so overwhelmed by last minute nips and tucks that I had almost overlooked something spectacularly cool that's coming to the Paramount Theater this Wednesday. As in, like 3 days. It's Charles Band and his FULL MOON HORROR ROAD SHOW. He's hitting 18 stops throughout the month of October and this Horror Variety Road Show will have all sorts of crazed fun. Stories from the father of the Full Moon himself, Charles Band... Special celebrity guests from his films... Props - toys (watch out for these, he's known for making killer toys) and a chance to well - have an amazing blast.

I'm headed down to the Paramount this Wednesday for all the fun - I figure it's a chance to meet Mr Band - whose produced a gazillion exploitation, horror and cult films. And what a great warm up to FANTASTIC FEST the very next day - but more on that in another post. Charles has given fans a break by lowering the ticket price and now - there's just no excuse not to see me down there Wednesday. This'll be a blast!

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