Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an update on a the little flick that could. HOOLIGANS swept the fest circuit, gathering award after award. Here in Austin it took the SXSW audience award and had, I believe, 3 sold out showings. And not just barely sold out, but turn people away by the hundreds sold out. The first one you could understand because stars Elijah Wood, Claire Forlani, Charlie Hunnam and more of the cast as well as the uber hot director Lexi Alexander were known to be there, but they didn't pop up at the other screenings which did even better.
More than any other indie I've covered since BUBBA HO-TEP, I've gotten so many emails wanting to know what's going on with this movie. Well, they changed their name to GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS and have decided to self-distribute, much like BUBBA HO-TEP did, strangely enough. This is a real grass roots campaign, so keep checking the film's website (linked below) for more info. I've heard rumblings about a college circuit tour with this flick, but nothing that's been confirmed. If it comes to your area, get off your ass and take a look. It's a solid flick and a whole different side of Elijah Wood than you're used to seeing. Here is the info! Enjoy!
Friends and Fans of HOOLIGANS,
We know you’ve been waiting patiently to find out when the film will be out in theatres. Well, we finally have news!
First of all, we want you to know we are changing the title to “Green Street Hooligans.” The film is being called “Green Street” in the U.K. (for the street where West Ham Stadium resides) and we wanted to keep our title similar so fans would realize they’re one and the same.
Despite all of your rallying behind us with such ferocity and your petitions, calls and letters, the Hollywood studios have passed on the opportunity to distribute this film. It is really the movie that Hollywood doesn’t want you to see! But, emboldened by you, our fans, we have decided to do it on our own! That’s right, on September 9, 2005 in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, we, Odd Lot Entertainment, the producers of HOOLIGANS, are independently releasing in theatres without the traditional Hollywood machine behind us. And so, we need you now more then ever!
Who needs fancy billboards and flat advertisement when we have your word-of-mouth, which can rumble and quake in the streets, spreading through the population to get the word out on this important movie. Tell all your friends that this film is going to come out. Get them to come and see this movie on opening weekend in the city nearest you. That will get the theatres to keep running it and help us to get more theatres to bring it to more cities across the country. If you want to bring the film to your city and help to make it happen, send us an e-mail to let us know and you can join our team. We’ll send you special materials and work with you directly to get your local theatres to book the film.
With your help, we can defy the establishment intent on silencing us and this movie! With you we can do anything! Sign up on our website: www.greenstreethooligans.com and you’ll receive a free Green Street Hooligans leather wrist cuff as a token of our gratitude.
We know we can beat the odds with your help! Thank you for your invaluable contribution to this film’s campaign. You can say you own a little piece of this special cinematic event.
The “Green Street Hooligans” Team