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Titanic, Evil Dead, and Babylon 5 video tid bits

Glen here...

SWEENY TODD wrote in with an interesting little tid bit about the opening day of TITANIC video sales.

Haven’t gotten my copy of TITANIC yet, probably be a while before I do. I’m currently penny-pinching to save up for my PLANET OF THE APES (THX) widescreen boxed set. Yeah, yeah - I know…anyone who *loves* TITANIC is probably not going understand why I want to look at a bunch of damn dirty apes over Leo and Kate’s ludicrously gorgeous, romance novel cover faces…but it really does come down to a few simple factors for me. ONE - I’d rather watch the whole world blow-up several times over than to watch one big boat sink. TWO - I was one of the few people in the galaxy who didn’t think TITANIC was particularly great, and even thought the floor-level shot of the rats fleeing the onslaught of water…which then tilts up to reveal the passengers following the rats… was the best thing in the movie. THREE - I’ve been holding out for a definitive transfer of the PLANET OF THE APES series for quite a while…longer than I’ve waited for TITANIC. Sure, the APES films are imperfect, even marginal at times. But the *subtext* within them, the socio-political statements they make about both the human condition in general, and America in the ‘60s and ‘70s, give them a dimension and a meaning I think is frequently under-appreciated or over-looked.

Here’s what SWEENY TODD had to say about the docking of TITANIC in his particular vide-store…

This is first contact from a long time stalker. I manage a ((name video chain store deleted by Glen)), and let me tell you about Leo Tuesday.

My store had the most reservations of any store in the company 899! We had 555 copies sold on just Tuesday alone. I called the store today to check in and my boss tells me that Paramount is already out of the movie in their warehouses. It may be up to a week until we get more in.

Were they expecting a poor turnout? I'm amazed they weren't ready for the release.

Just a few other cool tidbits. One being that the first Evil Dead is being released on Sept. 22 in a collectors edition. It's cover is going to look like the Necronomicon, It's going to have the original trailer, and a 32 page booklet with photos of the production.

The other cool thing is in October Warner is releasing two more Babylon 5 box sets. The first is going to be the next 6 episodes in season one. The second is called the "Interstellar Alliance", and is 6 episodes from season 5!

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