Hey folks, In about 12 hours I'm off for Five days of DRAGON CON in Atlanta. I'm a guest at the show and plan on digging up some cool news for all of us, but quite honestly I'm extremely nervous about it.
Well one of my panels is with Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury and Ray Harryhausen. I shouldn't even be anywhere near that stage. In the most humble Mike Myers "We're not worthy" tone, I can't believe I'm going to be in charge of the discussion and topic of this panel. How the hell did that happen? I've met them all in the past, I've had a great conversation with Harryhausen back about 6 years ago, and I bumped into Bradbury at Sundance... but Ellison.. well the last time I met him I was 4 years old and we were drawing elephants on a chalkboard at AggieCon in 1975.
The topic will be fantasy, and I hope to see what these three think the pitfalls of a Lord of the Rings film would be, and what's wrong with the modern fantasy film. Are audiences not open to them, or are the just being made badly. I'm excited, thrilled, and scared to death. I'm sure I'll make a fool out of myself, but I hope my ignorance won't show too brightly.
Right now, at 1:51am Quint and Tom Joad are driving at breakneck speeds across the countryside. Their goal is to meet me in Atlanta for Dragon-Con, you see they reeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyy want to meet a buncha people there. Quint patched up some holes in the Orca and swabbed the decks. Meanwhile in about 10 hours Father Geek and I will launch ourselves into the antagonizing atmosphere that's playing havoc with the east coast. I'm taking my brand new CD of THE DISASTERS: MOVIE MUSIC ALBUM to keep me company during every bump, roll and nosedive our iron bird takes.
In all I'll be on three panels, the above on Saturday, then a panel on being a critic also on Saturday, and one on Star Trek websites. I have no idea why I'm going to be on that one, as I'm not too familiar with the world of Star Trek websites. That one is on Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to go off topic.
Other significantly cool people at the con will be Kevin Smith and the View Askew Crew, Tom Savini, Babylon 5 people, JOHN CARPENTER!!!!!!!!!!!, Forrest J Ackerman!!!!!!!!!!!! Anthony Daniels!!!!!!!!! and many many more.
Hopefully I'll be seeing you guys around the show. I'll be that fat redheaded dude that you think may look like that guy who runs AICN. The code phrase for the show is "Hey, it's me you fat fuck!" followed by crossing your eyes and hopping on one leg. Or ya can just say "Hi"
Here's the listing for the events I'll be at, and here's more info on DRAGON-CON!!!!
www.Star Trek.com
A discussion of Star Trek web sites and chat rooms on the internet. Harry Knowles, Donny Velji (Mod). Fri 10:00 AM, 1 Hour. Room G (M)
Masters Of Fantasy
Featured on the Sci-Fi Channel's Master's of Fantasy, you are invited to meet three of SF's true icons that have helped to form and shape this genre. Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, Ray Harryhausen, Harry Knowles (Mod). Sat 11:30 AM, 1 Hour. Centennial III-IV (H)
Everyone's A Critic
What makes a film great, good, or bad? Do the best ones really always win the awards? Does a good or bad rewiew influence the public enough to make or break a film? These critic will discuss their role, and some of the best and worst films they've reviewed. Jeff Conner, Harlan Ellison, Dr. John L. Flynn (M), Harry Knowles, Brinke Stevens. Sat 4:00 PM, 1 Hour. Centennial II (H)