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A HERO FALLS... New REVENGE OF THE SITH music video up!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I'm downloading the new music video, one of 16, that will be included on the DVD packaged with the STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH soundtrack on May 3rd, that's being hosted over at the official Star Wars site.

While this is still loading, I'd like to point out the info on the Star Wars page that I didn't really realize... The DVD that's with the soundtrack is 70 minutes long and arranged by John Williams himself to "tell the entire story of the saga." This sounds incredibly cool for the average STAR WARS geek and really cool for us Original Trilogy geeks. I can't wait to see what Williams and Lucasfilm have done for this DVD. Am I the only one who wants a special video that's just the Yub-Nub song that is cut from JEDI in the SEs?

So, I just watched the video and there are some great Holy Shit moments, lots of footage from the trailers and some great new stuff like Anakin and Dooku fighting, some expanded Anakin/Obi-Wan fight and something that makes my day... Darth Vader (in the "Lord Vader... Riiiiiissseeee" scene) doesn't have his little gimpy arms strapped to the table anymore! Hayden's delivery still frightens me, but I must say... I love that Lucas has finally decided not to light everything with a bright white light. There's actually atmosphere to the CG and the physical lighting as well. Previously, the only prequel world I can think of that looked anywhere near as cool was the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight in the rain of Kamino... "Please don't suck... please don't suck... please don't suck..."


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