Whoa! Paramount to pull a CAPTAIN and a SERGEANT out of the pages of Marvel and put them onto the silver screen!!!
Published at: April 28, 2005, 5:36 a.m. CST by staff
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here... Variety dropped a big bomb this morning, involving Paramount Pictures striking a deal with Marvel to bring 10 Marvel characters to the big screen, including Captain America and Sgt. of the Howling Commandos and head of S.H.I.E.L.D. himself, Nick Fury (hopefully not represented again by David Hasselhoff). Yeah! Marvel is paying for the flicks and Paramount is releasing them.
Although the characters are not directly connected, both had shitty, cheap-ass movies made in the '90s based on their comics.
I think a badass movie based on Captain America would rock out, especially if they try to go for something period. Who are the 8 other characters? Hrmm...
I'm sure Harry will drop in whenever he returns from saving babies from burning buildings and rescuing lady reporters from wonky helicopter mishaps and comment on this scenario. I know he loves him his Captain America and knows it backwards and forwards. While you're waiting, here's the link to Variety: