Holy crap this is a cool poster! Tobe Hooper's ZOMBIES!
Published at: April 14, 2005, 12:09 a.m. CST by staff
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a poster the just screams cool for us genre lovers. Looks like Tobe Hooper's doing a film called ZOMBIES... no, it's not a sequel to or remake of Lucio Fulci's gorey masterpiece... Hooper's in pre-production at the moment and if the movie is half as cool as the poster, then we're in for a treat.The poster is creepy, atmospheric and without any hint of direct to video cheese (CROCODILE anyone?). I hope this is a return to form for Hooper. THE TOOLBOX MURDERS was pretty good, but still not in the same league as even LIFEFORCE, in my opinion, let alone CHAINSAW. Congrats to Dread Central for scoring the image! Enjoy the cool-ass poster!