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Want To Join The Frankenstein Group' Own Any Original Bernie Wrightson Art' READ THIS STORY NOW!!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

Got this e-mail this morning from Darabont, which I suspect was sent to everyone he knows:

Dear friends and fellow Bernie Wrigthson fans,

We've got a terrifically exciting publishing project to announce. It involves finding some original Bernie Wrightson Frankenstein art, so we could use everybody's help in spreading the word. Please check out our website, it will explain all:

Thanks very much!



Always a master of understatement, aren’t you, Frank? This is indeed “terrifically exciting.” For fans of Wrightson’s work and all things FRANKENSTEIN, this is pretty much akin to being told that Da Vinci will soon be available to come in and do the ceilings in your house. I’ve seen some of Wrightson’s FRANKENSTEIN work up close, the original full-size pages, and it’s mind-boggling. Stunning. Beautiful. Obsessively detailed.

This project sounds amazing. This book will be a must-own, a geek artifact worth tracking down and possessing. All I have to do now is sell my car so I can afford one...

"Moriarty" out.

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