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AICN EXCLUSIVE!! Two New SIN CITY Posters For You!!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

Man, I wish I knew where SIN CITY is screening this week. And it is. I know it is. I’m sure of it. Somewhere in LA, some lucky fuckers who are in town for the American Film Market are being wined and dined by Miramax and then given a screening of SIN CITY, and that drives me nuts. I want to see the film now. That seven minute promo reel that leaked a month or so ago intrigues me, and as a long-time Frank Miller fan, I’m dying to see how the film plays out.

For now, I’ll have to wait, though, and just enjoy these two new promo posters that showed up in the mailbox today. First time you’re getting a look at ‘em, too. Good stuff. I like the fact that they’re basing their campaign around the various characters. Can’t wait to see the one they do for Marv.

Looks to me like the coolest Rodriguez film in a while. Nary a Spy Kid in sight.

"Moriarty" out.

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