Ain't It Cool News (

In One Week!! Buffy the Kerry Fundraiser!!

I am – Hercules!!

Looks like Joss Whedon watched the debates and made up his mind! Shiny!

One week from tonight, expect fans of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Firefly” and “Angel” to unite in hundreds of houses and apartments all over the nation to raise funds for Joss Whedon’s candidates of choice:

John Kerry and John Edwards.

Whedon fans!! Learn how to host a “High Stakes 2004” fundraiser that night (and how to attend one) here.

Yes, Herc's a Republican!! A Goldwater Republican! An Eisenhower Republican! An Anderson Republican! A Republican who believes in stem-cell research, affordable pharmaceuticals and a leader committed to punishing those responsible for 9/11!! A Republican who wants the FCC to calm the fuck down! My party sucks now! Pull it together, Whedon Democrats!! We will drink and sing as one:

In my country there is problem!
And that problem Dick Cheney!
Halliburton sell my country!
I have no lyric for this line!

Throw the Bush down the well!
And after him throw Dick Cheney!
You must grab them by their horns!
Then we’ll have a big par-ty!

Have authorities question your worthiness as a parent! Purchase your Herc snapbib here!

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