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Jeunet's A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT trailer for the U.S. debuts!

Hey folks, Harry here with a beautiful and striking trailer from Jeunet that will make anyone that has ever been in love with his films, go absolutely ga-ga in love for A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT. The film opens the last weekend of November in Los Angeles and New York - then unfurls selectively everywhere else in some undisclosed roll-out afterwards.

The first thing that strikes me about A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT is how small and intimate the movie seems. It's as if Jeunet decided to retreat to minimalism after his success with AMELIE. Like he'd prefer the simple perfection of a swan dive, rather than attempt eight flips with a half twist off the 1.5 meter board.

He also seems to have lost all interest in grand romanticism, instead focusing almost exclusively upon stark neo-realism. NOT! Watching this trailer all I could think about was how exquisitely he weaves tall tales of love and the pangs one feels when it is held in the sway of a cruel world. The images are grand. The feats... stunning.

It maintains that painterly look and design that we've been intoxicated with back in the days of DELICATESSAN and CITY OF LOST CHILDREN. Warner Independent seems to be doing a really bang up job in crafting the U.S.'s first look at the film. I hope the rest of their campaign is as classy and magical. Bravo!

Click Here To Watch A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT Trailer!!!

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