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Heeereeee I Cooooome, To Saaaaave The Daaaaay!!! MIGHTY MOUSE!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... Seeing the below maquette fired my imagination into the stratosphere! Years ago we ran a story about the MIGHTY MOUSE Feature film Click here to remember! and the development over at Paramount and Nickelodion Films. And I'd love to see Mighty Mouse beating the violin strings out of some evil cats and going operetta! All I know is the maquette is brilliant and I'd KILL to see this done to the gills... about 2000 times more than I'd ever want to see another Stuart Little movie! Here ya go...

This is a photo of a conceptual maquette done by artist Cam de Leon, most famous for his work on TOOL's album covers...he is also a gifted conceptual and comic artist.  You can view more of his work at his web site, HappyPencil.Com.  

This photo was taken from that web site so be sure to make note.  Now, I ain't saying that there's been movement on the project, but, damn, if this ain't friggin' SCHMOOV...I can just see Patrick Warburton or Charles Rocket's voice coming out of that smirk.

Kenny Lives!

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