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German Star Trek / Star Wars Parody Feature coming Summer 2004

Hey folks, Harry here about 9 minutes away from heading to New York... but had to share this... ENJOY!

Hi from Germany  

How's business?

I found nothing on your site about this German movie coming out next year so I send you this mail. The movie is called " (T)Raumschiff Surprise: Periode 1 ". It's a parody on Star Trek / Wars and is based on characters from a German comedy show called "Bully Parade".

It's the second movie from the comedians of this show. The first one "Der Schuh des Manitu (Manitou's Shoe)" was released in 2001 and had the biggest audience a German movie ever had here. It was a parody of Western movies based on books of Karl May. While these movies are mostly unknown outside Europe, the movies they have chosen to make fun of now are known all over the planet.

Director is again Michael "Bully" Herbig, also starring as Mr. Spuck. Some of you might know Til Schweiger who is there playing a kind of Han Solo character. At least that is what it seems like looking at the second teaser trailer.

Here's the link to the two teaser: CLICK HERE  

I don't really know anything about the story only what they say in the teaser.

Here's my (not perfect!) translation:

In the year 2054 humanity managed to settle on Mars. 250 years later their descendants come back to earth to destroy it. Invasion has began. There's only one last hope... They travel back in time to eliminate the bad guys existence or anything like this.  

I don't know if this is interesting to you. Keep up the good work!  

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