Star Trek: Enterprise 3.8 FAQ
A “Star Trek: Enterprise” review? When was the last time Coax kicked in one of these?
We appraised the third-season premiere. Way back when this show was still called “Enterprise.”
What’s tonight’s called?
Who’s responsible?
Teleplay is credited to Mike Sussman (“Dead Stop,” “The Catwalk,” “Future Tense,” “Regeneration,” “Anomaly”).
What does TV Guide say?
“Archer suffers a puzzling form of amnesia that distorts his long-term memories. He is further confused to find himself in the future aboard an Enterprise commanded by T'Pol. Ambassador Soval: Gary Graham. Yedrin Koss: Brett Rickaby.”
What is TV Guide not telling us?
T’Pol’s screen time in command – and in that blue Starfleet jumpsuit – is limited, but this is still very much her episode.
The big news?
This is by far the best installment of the series we’ve seen this season.
The far bigger news?
The Xindi reduce the planet Earth to perhaps 45 fiery, equally sized and wholly uninhabitable chunks. Then the Xindi begin hunting down the fewer than 6,000 human beings who survive the cataclysm.
Is this a hoax, a dream, or an imaginary episode?
No! It all really happens!
How does T’Pol find herself in command at all?
While freeing T’Pol from a collapsed bulkhead, Archer’s brain is subjected to an anomaly that deposits parasites that “exist outside time and space.” Because of these parasites, Archer goes all “Memento,” unable to create any long-term memories. Each morning, for more than a decade, he remembers nothing before the mishap. T’Pol has to assume command. But as the first act begins, T’Pol is no longer captain, her hair is very long, and Archer’s is very grey.
What’s good?
The scope, the drama, the pacing and the structure. By presenting us with a depiction of mankind’s final days, we are provided for the first time with a very real sense of what is at stake in this bizarre conflict with the Xindi. I found myself a bit moved by the evolution of T’Pol’s regard for Archer (Jolene Blalock brings much to the table this week), and I was keen to learn how the powers-that-be were going to dig themselves out of this fascinating narrative hole - and I was not disappointed with the denouement. This episode cribs shamelessly from one of Herc’s favorite Voyager stories, “A Year in Hell” - to say nothing of “Yesterday’s Enterprise,” “All Good Things…” “First Contact,” “The City on the Edge of Forever” and “Endgame” - but these are great stories, and this one remained just different enough for me to kind of love it.
What’s not so good?
Bakula seems like a good guy, and does a serviceable job this week, he’s still no Shatner. Or Stewart. Or Brooks. Or McKellen. And they’re sticking with that horrible theme song. (Quick thinking with that!)
Why so few spoilers, O Hercules?
The fun is in the revelations. And the hairstyles. And the facial hair.
How does it end, spoiler-boy?
T’Pol shoots her superior a vaguely suspicious glance.
Herc’s rating for “Enterprise” 3.8?
The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
9 p.m. Wednesday. UPN.