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Pyul MacTackle on Favreau's ELF.... why does that sound so dirty'

Hey folks, Harry here... I'm not so sure I'm going to flip over this... I know that Pyul here likes it, that Moriarty enjoyed the set and that Quint couldn't stop talking about it tonight... claiming it was a perfect Harry movie, but I just can't shake the idea that big chunks of this flick are probably going to feel like they came right out of Paul Dini's JINGLE BELLE, but I shouldn't let that bother me, cuz ultimately Dini's hot Santa babe will be wearing the candy cane hose for Adam Sandler's company and Revolution. I just hope they aren't too similar... cuz Dini's comic was first by a bunch. Hmmm...

Hey Harry,    

Seeing that you mentioned my comments about Elf in another review I thought I might expound more and share my absolute love for this film. BTW, I'm looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting for some tentacle violating fun. Bring plenty of tissue.    

Elf is a rare film in many respects, a film that, quite simply, I didn't see coming. I mean, I knew it existed and I'd seen the trailer, but nothing I'd seen actually grabbed me. I like Will Ferrell, in fact I've enjoyed much of his character work, even in terribly unfunny films like Drowning Mona and The Suburbans. There's just something about his sense of comedic timing that's always worked for me. But character work was always where I thought he belonged, not starring roles. And Jon Favreau is another great, hilarious actor, who's directed and/or produced two low budget independent films that I've positively loved as well: Made (directed) and Swingers (produced). But he never struck me as a DIRECTOR, just a talented comedian who made some pretty funny -small- films. And let's face it. It's a Christmas movie, something Hollywood rarely gets the formula right for. For every Scrooged, It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story there's five Christmas movies that just hurt: Jingle All The Way, Ernest Saves Christmas and the talkbacker favorite, I'm sure, Hulk Hogan's Santa With Muscles. Not to mention the quaint, amusing but easily forgettable films such as The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2 and Santa Claus: The Movie. Films that don't REALLY suck, but are far from real classics. Elf, I suspected, with the talent involved and the way the trailer failed to really make me laugh, was likely to fall into the latter category. Just another Christmas film that will be released, do it's thing, then fade away.    

And Boy Howdy was I wrong.    

Elf, simply put, is a CLASSIC. A Timeless Classic. One of those films that will live on in video collections for years to come to be pulled out and watched next to a roaring fireplace, over a mug of egg nog (straight out of the carton) and enjoyed by the whole family. Now before I start sounding like Joel Seagul or some Family Channel critic let me clear my throat. Fuck. Shit. Rimjob. There, that's more like an AICN review. Now back to the warm glow family approved review of Elf, already in progress...This film really does have something for everyone, film geeks included. Not only is it a heartwarming Christmas tale, but it's a full tilt comedy that is handled precisely the way a classic story should be.    

Someone made a comment on an earlier review of Elf that mentioned maybe the trailer didn't show all of the funny parts. It doesn't, in fact, the trailer can't show all of the funny moments in this film because they simply would really be funny. Rather than top loading this film with cheap one liners and the usual piss and fart humor that studios try to pass off as kids humor these days, the humor is delicately crafted character driven humor that is slowly set up and perfectly delivered through the course of the movie. All the while, great visual gags and very subtle pop culture references are blended into the mix in just such a way as they're funny to those that catch them but don't seem like something out of place that you've missed to anyone that doesn't. From the Rankin/Bass style opening credits to Sasquatch, John Woo and Lord of the Rings nods, this film is enough to keep films geeks in stitches WITHOUT any of the great comedy that permeates this film.    

Buddy the Elf is the role Will Farrell was born to play. Everything he's been developing over the years culminates in this role, finding just the right place for his trademark naive idiot routine that never makes you think twice about why this guy could ever be this stupid. He was raised as an elf. And he really nails it. All of the awe and wonder mixed with the golly gee willicker mistakes and the terrifically humorous misunderstandings all presented with just the right amount of charisma to make you simply fall in love with the big lug. This is Will Farrell at his absolute best, his most entertaining. Finding a role better than this is going to be a task of epic proportions, which doesn't matter all that much, because after this role, Will Farrell is golden and will pretty much have his pick of whatever he wants.    

And Favreau. Favs. Jon Boy. Welcome to the big leagues. Jon Favreau proves here that while he may be fantastic in front of the camera, his place is really behind it. Every choice he makes here is perfect. From the way the comedy plays to the seamless way the special effects are integrated into very character driven scenes, everything here points to Favreau being a successful director, not only here, but in the years to come. Just as long as he shows up in front of the camera every now and again, I'll be happy.    

Then there's the sigh inducing Zooey Deschenel (please don't ask me to pronounce always ends in a sigh anyhow) who is positively radiant as Jovie. From her disgruntled store intercom clerk in The Good Girl to her rebellious but loving older sister in Almost Famous, Zooey is a yet to be fully tapped comedienne who delivers a great and charming performance playing straight man to Farrell's tomfoolery. I'm hoping this is the role that gets her more big time work because I simply cannot get enough of this talented actress.    

And backing up this duo is a great supporting cast of seasoned veterans turning in some of their most amusing work in years: James Caan, Mary Steinburgen, Peter "Ralphie, your gonna shoot your eye out" Billingsly, Ed Asner (as Santa...come on that's GREAT casting), Faizon Love (because what kind of a Jon Favraeu movie would it be WITHOUT Faizon Love) and of course Bob Newhart (who actually gets alot more meat than the trailer would lead you to believe.)    

Elf delivers on all counts making this the "Feel good comedy of the Christmas season". There is that Joel Seagul enough for you? It's perfect, okay. Timeless. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Even my wretched lonely soul can't find a single negative thing to say about it. I mean Will Farrell gets his ass kicked by a midget. What more do you want from a holiday film? It never gets too adult for the kids (Like Scrooged) but never is too kiddish for the adults (like most Christmas themed fare). It's just right. I paid to see it once at a festival and I'll pay to see it again. In fact, I'll take a girl and see if I can get her into the giving mood of Christmas. There, that ought to AICN it up a bit. WWHD...that's what the wristbands say. End with a sex joke...that's what Harry would do.  

Pyul Mactackle

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