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L.A. Readers - get your new CRONOS dvd signed by Guillermo Del Toro... Click here to find out how!

Hey folks, Harry here... If you've never seen Guillermo Del Toro's CRONOS - then you really don't know what your missing. Like THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE, it is a very intimate tale of horror completely unlike in many ways his larger films like MIMIC and BLADE 2. It is haunting, tragic and melancholy... It also features my third favorite Ron Perlman performance, after CITY OF LOST CHILDREN and THE LAST SUPPER. Of course, that will all change with HELLBOY next year... ANYWAYS... This coming Tuesday, my clone will be signing copies of his CRONOS DVD which is finally coming out with tons of extras. Can't wait to get one of these for my own. All I have is the old Laserdisc from a billion years ago. Anyway, if you see Guillermo, tell him to hurry up and finish his treatment on COFFIN!

Here is the info on the Guillermo signing: He'll be in the store on Tuesday, October 14th to promote the release of Cronos and, being a fan of your website, it seemed like something you and your readers might be interested in. He'll be doing the signing at Laser Blazer which is located at 10587 W. Pico Blvd, in Los Angeles, from 6:30-8:30. I'll also include a link to a flyer with all of the information. If you could pass this along it would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Roper

Laser Blazer Manager


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