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Movie News

Is ONG BAK the film set to kick your cinematic teeth in'

Hey folks, Harry here... At the Toronto International Film Festival there's a couple of films that I know for a fact are going to rule the earth. They're in the Midnight section of the fest. One is the Spierig Brothers' fantastic film UNDEAD... guaranteed to kick your ass and break a rib. But then there's a film that has had... up till now, notably less coverage. I'm talking about the Thai Kickboxing film... ONG BAK.

AICN had a pair of reviews back in February of this year... right as the film opened in Bangkok... The reviews were ecstatic. "Ong Bak just blew my mind. It has some of THE MOST amazing, creative, realisitic and BRUTAL fighting I've ever seen on film."

"The guy who plays Ting is getting a lot of press over here about how he's the new Jackie Chan and I can totally see it. Some of the stunts he does are truly jaw dropping - all without the aid of CG or wires, I might add. Oh, another thing that made the movie were the subtitles. The translators must use the English dictionary of cuss words - quite often you'll get a line like "You fuck! What the shit are you doing? Oh, fuck me dead!!!" Really funny. "

"i should follow up with my own review of this jaw-dropping ass-kicking film." "So we have an ass-kicking hysterical film which will have you drooling IF (and thats a big IF) you ever get to watch. "

Meanwhile, if you run over to IMDB they have been getting a few reviews and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM LOVE IT! One guy compares the feeling he had watching this to the first time he watched DRUNKEN MASTER 2. Well... Let's see how you folks up in Toronto take to it... personally, I predict drool and cheers!

These pics are from the very cool French magazine SCORE... The film has been acquired for French Distribution by Luc Besson, who recognizes the finest in ass-kicking!

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