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CABIN FEVER trailer in Quicktime!

Hey folks, Harry here with a trailer that is not all that it could be because... well... unfortunately, LION'S GATE didn't do a RED BAND Trailer for CABIN FEVER, which is absolutely instrumental in communicating what this film is.

In the following trailer you get the idea that this is a fairly intense and brutal horror film, but it is all suggestion. Before Eli Roth and his producers sold the film to LION'S GATE, Eli had cut 3 or 4 trailers for CABIN FEVER that were all just... well 3 of them were just damn greatly disturbing. The 4th had to do with Eli's absurd obsession with pancakes and kungfu. But we'll forget that one, and move on to the others. The Tub trailer and the Shed Trailer are literally two of the all time best Horror teaser trailers that I have ever seen. That these are not online is a crime. I like this trailer I link to, but I love Eli's full trailers. Remember the glory that was the original SCANNERS trailer? yeah, that sort of cool. Sigh. Anyway, here's the trailer we get for this fantastic horror film coming late summer I hear....

PANCAKES? PANCAKES?!?!?!? P-A-N-C-A-K-E-S!!!!!!!!

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