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Wanna see something Really Cool from that SPY HUNTER flick'

Hey folks, Harry here... Here's some cool peeks at some goodies in the upcoming SPY-HUNTER film starring that guy that smiles so damn good... THE ROCK. I haven't played the game, but what I'm hearing from sources on this project is that essentially this is a very 'science-fictiony' Spy project that sort of combines that whole G.I. JOE / MASK / Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. type of aesthetic into a slambam holy fuck cool sort of film. If done right I suppose it could be megacool.

That's the G-8155 INTERCEPTOR that Dwayne will be driving... is that the word... nah... Piloting in the film. Here's another angle:

There's also apparently really cool Motorcycles in the movie like this TOMOHAWK Attack Bike. See them things that pop out? The scatter mines on the road behind the bike which I imagine blow the bejeesus out of whatever sap is back there. So, I guess it's better to be in front of this motorcycle? Nah, probably has missles too. They always have missles.

The script has been being written by Michael Brandt & Derek Haas. They're who tackled the writing duties on 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS and CATCH THAT KID, both of which are due out this year. The producers aboard are Adrian Askarieh and Charles Gordon, you may know his name from the ultra cool ROCKETEER, DIE HARD, FIELD OF DREAMS, OCTOBER SKY... and WATERWORLD (just to even out those successes.) Adrian is an up and coming producer type that is doing this and HEROBEAR AND THE KID as a 2D animated film for UNIVERSAL, I hear... again with Charles Gordon. I'm actually quite excited about HEROBEAR AND THE KID, I'm just waiting till I find out more about the project or lay hands on a script of something. So, you gamers... Any of you like SPY HUNTER? Could it be cool?

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