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The Olsen Twins Film.... NEW YORK MINUTE

Hey folks, Harry here... Earlier this week, Zorianna Kit of HollywoodReporter infamy broke the story that Dennie Gordon, heinous orchestrator of WHAT A GIRL WANTS, had been hired to direct the Olsen Twins in NEW YORK MINUTE. An action-adventure comedy that apparently takes its cues from Scorsese's AFTER HOURS and McG's CHARLIE'S ANGELS. Wow, with inspiration from Scorsese to McG... how could this go wrong?

Well, the salty teared spring of sadness drips due to Dennie Gordon being assigned the task of helming the film. Why? Well, when Dennie Gordon got the gig, the dreams of a young director were crushed. What young director? ELI ROTH, director of CABIN FEVER.

When I met Eli Roth at Sitges, Spain last year... while we were slurping glass after intoxicating glass of Spain's fine emerald Absinthe... I remember Eli saying, "What I really dream of is directing the Olsen Twins next... The Olsen Twins and a monkey." There was such hope, such expectation in Eli's eyes... nearly misty even. I asked him, if there was an Olsen Twin/Monkey project in the works, and he told me that they had a film they were trying to get made that he'd heard about, but he wasn't sure if there was a monkey involved. But he did make it clear, that with an Olsen Twin movie... there is always room for a monkey.

So when I read Zorianna's column about Dennie Gordon and the Olsen twins, I knew... knew that Eli Roth's dreams would be crushed, so I contacted him to find out how he was doing.

Since Sitges, Eli had apparently given his dream over to his agent. Apparently his agent felt morally bound to keep Eli Roth away from directing the Olsen Twins for 420 days, 5 hours and 3 minutes. No explanation for this time frame was given. Eli was crushed, but rumors hang that Eli will be directing a film soon that plays to other dreams.

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