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Movie News

Several Images from TOMB RAIDER 2... Looking nice actually!

Hey folks, Harry here... Well, not sure how this film is, but I'll say this for it... The actual LOOK of the film doesn't look cheesy at all. The design looks better, as does the photography and lighting. Still a little shocked we don't have a trailer to look at yet, I suppose there has to be one on THE HUNTED this weekend, right? Here's to hoping that Jan De Bont has what it takes to make a damn fine adventure film with Jolie! I hated the first film, but have hope for this one. We'll see.

Dont know if youve had these, I only saw the skintight (mmm) wetsuit one on the site so I didnt include it.  

Heres hoping Jolie isnt the only good thing about this flick this time.  

Yours hopefully;  

Prawn Joe

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