Ain't It Cool News (



BOLLEBRO messaged me with a tid-bit about the casting of "Wonder Woman". This news actually came in last week and dropped into the wrong folder in my computer. I just found it. Sorry...


I am an actor in LA and I know for a fact that NBC read Alexandra Paul for the Role of Wonder Woman last week. Alexandra was Stephanie Holden on "Baywatch" for years until a mast fell on her (Stephanie) and killed her off the show. Rumor has it that it was her choice to leave. I saw her doing the Ironman triathlon on TV a few weeks ago. That race is hard core 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a marathon 26.2 miles. That chick is Wonder Woman.

So I too heard about the "open call" on the radio and I think it was a publicity stunt to get the ball rolling on the series. If each woman auditioning tells two friends - that would probably be enough audience to float the show at least 22 episodes. I think a good bet is that NBC will go with a name like Alexandra for the show. The only other thing I know is that the producers are the same who did Dean Cane’s Superman. So I guess they only know superheros. Maybe we will see a Wonder Twin series in '99…


((Glen Note: The last comment is a thought from the author of the message, and should not be taken as news.))


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