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Look, it's a Kate Winslet of a Different Color in ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND!!! Next Charlie Kaufman Genius

Hey folks, Harry here... If you're like me, only thinner and with a more dependable job, then you're probably not nearly as desperately in love with Charlie Kaufman's auteuristic screenplay displays of self-loathing eccentricities like I am. Or maybe you are and I've been dosed again with arsenic by Moriarty and feel a bit faint and dodgy, but no matter... I can tell that this first photo has Kate Winslet with purple hair and that in the last photo she has bright flourescent pink hair... and that the perm and afro look is just hilarious. Obviously this is part of the weird mental mind games that occur in Jim Carrey's brain as he tries to remember what he's having a team of memory erasers erase come back, but slightly off, since it was erased and slightly remembered in odd sorts of ways. I'm dying to read this script, but alas - it has yet to find its way to me. Sniffle. Here's the pics and scoop...

Interesting set pictures from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Hi there,

I found some interesting set pictures from Michel Gondry's upcoming "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" at an msn fan group on Kate Winslet called "Kate The Great...All You Need To Know". The group has a whole bunch of set pictures but the interesting thing is that the movie evidently has scenes where Kate has orange (not red, orange) hair and others with blue hair. I wonder what the story is there but it's probably something Kaufmanesque no doubt. Anyway, here are the pictures...


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