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SUNDANCE: See Sean Astin's Fantastic Short Film THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT!!! Simple Beauty!!!

Hey folks, Harry here. Ya know, people have asked about what sort of family feeling there is regarding the cast and crew of LORD OF THE RINGS, but I think this film is about as loving a tribute to all of them as you could ever have. First off, catch the name the film is dedicated to the memory of... Brian "Do ya want it bright and pretty or Dark and Inneresting?!?!" Bansgrove -- The man that along with Andrew Lesnie helped to create the entire lighting scheme for the entire trilogy. He passed away last year, and the world is a lessor place for it. Imagine if Lawrence Tierney was a lighting man... That was Brian.

The film by Sean Astin starts off on a simple... well... a simple rather dull looking man, a bit silly... looks like the type of guy you'd imagine spending hours in a garden... in fact, if you were going to do a remake of BEING THERE (please don't, but if you were) you'd cast this rather pleasant man. His name is Andrew Lesnie, and Andrew is the Academy Award winning Director of Photography for LORD OF THE RINGS. Again - the man is in reality a genius. But here he is in overalls trying with a broken ladder to put a car ad up on the side of a building.

The next person you'll see is Praphaphorn Chansantor. She was one of the 'little people' that you saw playing hobbits in distant shots and medium shots throughout the trilogy. First time I saw her, she was putting on a Pippin mask and walking through Minas Tirith in front of Gandalf.

The next fellow you see is Paul Randall - known as Big Paul when I was on set. Paul played Gandalf, Boromir and Aragorn in scenes while I was on set. He's a giant. I mean, absolutely huge. Andrew is not a wee man, Paul is simply a giant and in addition to the parts above, he played a great many "BIG PEOPLE" in the scenes where Elijah, Dominic, Billy and Sean were playing themselves and need a giant hand to hand them something, or to leap into a big person's arms... or NUMEROUS OTHER SHOTS.

These three people, you'd never seen in LORD OF THE RINGS, unless you happen to spot a cameo somewhere, but mainly... you just wouldn't see them. However, every day of the shoot, they were there. Doing the thankless job of essentially being invisible to your and mine's eyes. If the do something great, you'd assume it is the actor they are supposed to be. Well... While on set - Dominic Monaghan and Sean Astin came up with the idea of this... short film.

Peter Jackson is Executive Producer, the executive in charge of production is Barrie Osborne. Co-Producers were the always insanely busy folks Zane Weiner and Jamie Selkirk. 1st Assisstant Director was Elijah Wood. 2nd Assistant Director was Mark Ordesky. 2nd Second Assistant Director was the radiant Zoe hartley. The Assistant Location Manager was Andy Serkis. Oh... and there's a special thanks to BILLY BOYD for his Musical Inspiration! and the P.S. I love you Christine is for Sean absolutely wonderful wife.

But there they were... in the midst of the biggest film endeavor of all time - a studio on the line, careers on the line.. and here they were, coming together on their days off to shoot this little project with Sean. A complete little thing of love and appreciation. There's a very simple beauty to a film that stars three amazingly diverse folks. The whole film is available for download and to watch at the site below. I can't recommend it enough. Thanks to Cirdan from Herr-Der-Ringe-Film.De for pointing me towards it!

Click Here To Download It and See It and Cheer!!!

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