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Movie News

Animated WONKA'''

I've had 4 separate sources on this from inside Warner Animation. Ya know... Why don't these guys just get Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to be in charge of a big budget animated Batman/Superman flick with Fleischer production values and blow the world away. But noooooooo, they want to do an animated Wonka. Why? There's no point. Do a big budget animated Superhero flick, differentiate yourselves from Fox animation, Disney animation and Dreamworks animation. Get a theme, you guys own D.C. Comics, that's plenty of good properties for animations' sake. Sorry, I had to let that out folks.

Just an update on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It is not going to be a live action remake with Michael Jackson. What a joke.

Try an animated feature! Thats right. It has been in the development stages for quite sometime. Character designs look way cool. It appears it will be a lot darker than the original live action flick. And don't expect to hear happy ditty's like, "THE CANDYMAN CAN CAUSE HE MIXES IT WITH LOVE AND MAKES THE WORLD TASTE GOOD."

Until the golden tickets are found,


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