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Sweeps Day 5: HERC Gives ANGEL 4 Stars!!

Angel 3.19 FAQ

What’s it called?

“The Price.”

Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to David Fury (“Lonely Hearts” and “Disharmony,” as well as many “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” episodes, including “Life Serial” and “Gone”).

What does TV Guide say?

“The hotel is invaded by sluglike creatures that invade and fatally dry out their human hosts. The parasites are by-products of the dark forces Angel conjured trying to rescue his son. The crew barricade themselves inside to hunt down the varmints, but they soon learn that the only way to really see their quarry is to turn off all the lights. Phillip Spivey: John Short. Groosalugg: Mark Lutz.”

What is TV Guide not telling us?

The sluglike creatures are actually more like lobster-sized translucent silverfish. If that’s not creepy enough for you, they like to nest inside people. Plus, nobody can leave the hotel, so what we get is essentially a supernatural, terrestrial “Alien” remake.

The big news?

It’s one of those shows with a mammoth ending!

Would this episode still get four stars without the mammoth ending?

It would!

Does Wes speak?

He does!

Does Cordy do demon stuff?

Oh! Big demon stuff! The demon stuff we’ve been waiting for!

What about Wolfram & Hart?

There are several highly entertaining, if inconsequential, conversations involving Lilah and Gavin.

Does the Groosalugg continute to amuse?

Very much so.

What’s great?

The dialogue. The scares. The cool, tranparant ickiness of the creatures. Phil Spivey’s visit to the juice bar. Cordy and Groo. Angel and Groo. Lilah’s encryption device. The sadness in Fred’s voice when she says,” “All the lights?” “The pool.” The mystery of “the destroyer.” Wes’ re-entry. “I’m standing right here.” And a great deal more.

What’s not so great?

That we had to endure last week’s episode to get to this one.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

“Hi, dad!”

Herc’s rating for “Angel” 3.19?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

  • ***** better than we deserve
  • **** better than most motion pictures
  • *** actually worth your valuable time
  • ** as horrible as most stuff on TV
  • * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

I am – Hercules!!

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