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Some Big News On A SCANNER DARKLY!! Richard Linklater To Direct'!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

This makes me happy in a very simple, direct way. Here is one of those match-ups between filmmaker and material that can't miss. Especially if the rumor turns out to be true that they're doing this as an all CG feature. After seeing WAKING LIFE, I'm in. I'm ready. Please... let this happen immediately!!

Dear Harry and Moriarty,

Here is some inside news that I can report about the recent option by Warner Bros. of Philip K. Dick's classic drug novel A Scanner Darkly. The property was optioned for Steven Soderbergh's Section 8. A source close to Jennifer Fox at Section 8 reports that the writing and directing gig has been offered to none other than Rick Linklater. The parties are currently in negotiations. This makes sense considering that Rick himself goes on about Dick in Waking Life (sounds funny, doesn't it?).

I'm curious to see how Linklater adapts this brilliant work of fiction for the screen. The novel itself doesn't follow the structure of a typical Hollywood screenplay, especially the ending.

You can call me Barney Mayerson.

Thanks for the tip, Barney! I'll be following this one up in the days ahead to see how firm this is, and what the plans are for this most interesting of adaptations.

"Moriarty" out.

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