Ain't It Cool News (
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It may be Disney vs Dreamworks, but it is not PIXAR vs PDI...

Here's a little commentary on the news regarding ANTZ and A BUG'S LIFE, that came in from an employee at PIXAR. And it raises and makes us aware of how these petty games of politics and strategy effect the real people. The people that make the magic we are dying to see. This letter shows how employees at both PIXAR and PDI can't wait to see each other's films. How, to them it isn't a war or a chess game, but merely a challenge to make the best possible movie they can make. It was not my intention to brow beat one company over the other, but merely to make everyone aware of the machinations behind release schedules for films, and ultimately the fantastic news that all us animation fans will have 6 less months to wait for ANTZ.

Personally, it's nice to see that the cold movements of corporate policies do not harden, or make an 'us vs them' situation. And ultimately the best news is that before the end of the year we will have three great new animation films for our eyes to pour over, for our imagination to join, and for the world to see.

I have seen a ton of work on both sides of the fence and I am dying to see both films equally. Both films have remarkable voice casts, animation talents, and great scripts. In short, both films will be fantastic. Now, here's the letter I received from the Pixar source...

I enjoy your site, but I think you should be concerned about the part you play in fomenting bad feelings between Pixar and PDI. The people of both companies are doing exactly what you say you want: to produce two killer movies for this fall. But you're making it harder to stay focused on that when you publish things like that "Antz to come out first" posting.

For the record, moments after that went up on your site, we at Pixar received the following:


Hi Pixar friends,

I want to apologize to you on behalf of PDI for the post on Aint-it-cool-news that just came out. I don't know what PDI employee sent the information there, but it doesn't represent what the vast majority of PDI feels about the whole Dreamworks/Disney feud. We find the whole battle amusing but really just want both movies turn out well. We all respect Pixar tremendously and feel embarrassed that a single employee would portray us this way.

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