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Tiny update tidbits on X-MEN 2 and DAREDEVIL!!!

Harry here, from the sound of All Teeth here, I'd say that he's seen some pretty preliminary stuff. I've seen some of the DAREDEVIL costume designs that were very very faithful in form... However, when Marvel and Toy Biz are influences on production you can most likely bet that there will at least be 3 different DAREDEVIL costumes.... I know Bullseye has at least two incarnations... and Kingpin and Elektra should have a couple. That way Toy Biz can squeak out 9 figures in the initial toy packaging, before doing the neon color ones. Ahem. Hehehe... As for the X-MEN 2 stuff.... let's hear more on that one!

Hi Harry

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I've seen a test shot of Ben Affleck in what I can only hope is a test costume. Now I wish I could send you a picture of this but that might compromise my job. The costume itself looks like a very bad version of the Zorro outfit. The color is a burgundy-brownish. There was no cowel, no horns and to be quite honest it looked like Ben was not enthused to be in this thing. The head-wrap thing just didn't work for me, the sleeves stop about mid-foream, and it had a zipped up front to an open collar.

Along with this picture I also viewed preliminary drawings. Now these were hot!! Especially the costume for Daredevil. It was a slightly armorish looking rendering. The color was black in nature. The cowel was there with the horns and the trademark DD. I'm very hyped about this movie and I hope what I saw is only a very rough test.

I can't believe Marvel would let a concept like this fly.

On to X-men news. I only saw a coulple of interesting tid bits. First off was the promotional teaser which looked like the original movie poster, except it said "X2 - coming to theaters May 2, 2003". The other interesting item I saw was the villians promotional piece. In it were Magneto, Mystique and 4 empty picture frames that read "Classified".

Thanks Harry, Love the website.

All Teeth

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