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Movie News

Young Clint Eastwood as the new Bond Bad Guy'

Harry here. Remember that scary fella that looked just like the man with no name era Eastwood in SPACE COWBOYS... in them black and white sequences? Well, it seems there's a rumor/story appearing in the UK tabloid THE SUN about Toby Stephens... that same fella in the pic right ere, is set to play the bad guy in the next Bond flick. So take a peek... whatcha'll think?


Now I am as skeptical as the next geek about the uk tabloids and their scoops, but here is an article that appeared today in the Sun newspaper online Click Here

I'M the first to find out who will play the baddie in the next James Bond film ˜ and I can reveal he is British actor TOBY STEPHENS.

The son of legendary actress DAME MAGGIE SMITH and the late SIR ROBERT STEPHENS, Toby recently starred in BBC drama Perfect Strangers.

He will line up alongside 007 PIERCE BROSNAN and the as yet untitled movie‚s female villain HALLE BERRY when filming starts this week.

attached is a pic.

yours Bond fanly

Duke Santos.

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