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News on SIN CITY and LOBO

Quite awhile back, we here at AICN heard an intriguing rumor that some test CG animation was done to test the waters of bringing Frank Miller's _awesome_ "Sin City" comic to the big screen. If done right, this could be a potentially mind-blowing film -- but only if done just right. Is this project happening? Here comes word from The Magus:

A while back, you had posted some info on a possible "Sin City" film -- a bit of news that was met with a resounding (if qualified) cooooool here in my neck of the woods (a moderately creative digital art group). Alas, no news since then, but we're a (relatively) patient bunch.

Alas, I spoke with the man himself, Frank Miller, this weekend at an event here in D.C. (well, Springfield, Virginia to be precise), and he put my hopes (and perhaps fears) to rest: No, there is no "Sin City" film, animated or otherwise. No, he has no plans for a "Sin City" film. It's a comic book and only a comic book, and he plans to keep it that way indefinitely.

I can't say I'm too surprised, after his overwhelmingly negative experiences scripting Robocop 2 and 3 (one hasn't seen wrath until one's read a Frank Miller tirade), but I was truly disappointed. Rationally, I understand that he'd never be able to maintain creative control given the current system, but one can hope.

For the record, while soft-spoken, he's surprisingly friendly and approachable (and normal); I've met plenty of creative folk who were curt and abrupt, but that was certainly not the case here.

Oh, well. I guess I have to applaud Miller for not selling out and letting someone bastardize his genius, but on the other hand I have to wish that some animation studio with _vision_ (Dreamworks?) would just give Miller a free rein to do it and do it right. It would be incredible, and could represent a major breakthrough in animated filmmaking.

Next we have word from the Bastich with some corrections to our recent "Lobo" report, as well as some intriguing new info:

Just wanted to clear up a couple of things... Jerald is actually Jerrold Brown. The Dreen is actually The Drell. Otherwise, everything is right on.

As an added bonus, WB is considering the director of "Heavenly Creatures" [Peter Jackson -- ed.] for the film and Nicolas Cage as LOBO.

Peter Jackson directing "Lobo" starring Nicolas Cage? How cool would THAT be? Sounds too good to be true, though, given it would represent Warner Bros. actually doing something _inspired_. But, then, you just never know...

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