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Fricking Fantastic EPISODE 2 Trailers!!!! THE NEW ONE!!!! IT IS UP!!!! IT IS BRILLIANT!!!!

This trailer kicks so much ass... I have to watch it 1000 times... be back later with thoughts...


Now this looks like Star Wars. I know it is easy to hate and spit venom and feel hurt by the let downs of Ewoks and Gungans. I know that the dream of a space opera had fallen by the wayside. Folks... Let that go.

That trailer is awesome. It is. I like the story arc that we see there. The romantic dialogue, well it is necessary. Is it stilted for you? Well, I suppose if your way of being romantic is, "Bitch strip, I'm ready to fuck!" Well that is more natural in the neanderthal mating variety, but in a situation where there is a vow of celebacy in a sacred order, in a relationship between a bodyguard and the person he is supposed to protect, within the framework of a forbidden love. A love that comes with a heavy price. Frankly folks, this is coming across quite well. That's the situation.

What I like is the fact that Hayden Christensen actually looks quite a bit younger than Natalie Portman. I can imagine her as being in her late 20's and Hayden as being 18-19 or so. That was something I was particularly worried about.

Now there is a cheat here... Using Han and Leia's theme from Empire during Anakin and Amidala's scenes... that's dirty pool. But I have to say, I have liked the previous two trailers. I LOVE THIS ONE. I love this one in a severely intense manner.

The others didn't feel right. They were not bad, they were quite good, but they didn't give me goose pimples.

As for those below that are trying to understand why they are reacting as strongly as they are to this trailer... It is quite simple. You are at this site because you fell in love with Star Wars. You saw these films when you were a kid, and these were the films that made you say, "I LOVE MOVIES!" They were the films that made you pick up STARLOG, CINEFANTASTIQUE, CINEFEX and so on. Star Wars was the first action figures you had, the first character sheets you remember sleeping in, the first gumcards you collected. It was the gateway drug of choice into being a geek for so many of you.

I was already a geek at the time, but it pushed me all the way over the edge. I love STAR WARS, not in the trivial way, not in the abusive husband sort of manner, but in that way that is forever. I think we fight with it, it makes us pissed, but it makes us care. One way or another, we have to have it be perfect. Like when we were young. My god, I turn 30 in less than a month. Star Wars has been with me 26 years. That's a long relationship. There were only 4 years of my life that did not have Star Wars in it. 85% of my life has had STAR WARS, and that percentage is only going to grow.

I look at this trailer and I see STAR WARS

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