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Movie News

LORD OF THE RINGS puppet work!!!!

Aha! More evidence of the top secret MIRAMAX "LORD OF THE RINGS" project. Building puppets eh? That sounds like work is moving forward. HEY MIRAMAX!!! GET MOVING WITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT, YA GOT A BAZILLION RABID FANS FROTHING AT THE MOUTH!!!!! Anyway, here ya go...

This news is big. I have been a big fan of your site and have been waiting for the chance to get a scoop...but where I live, not much has come my way.....until now. I was recently with a friend of mine who introduced me to an accuaintance of his who works for SKYLARK puppets here in australia, and this guy had some interesting photos to show. Seems he's been working on the puppets for the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie. This guy worked on the puppets for skylark's Hobbit stage show last year and Mr Peter Jackson himself got ahold of him and accquired his talents. The guy showed us some photos and boy oh boy.....sweet. he showed us the Orks (or Orgs not sure) and the hobbits....all looking very lifelike and also showed a photo of the huge battle scene all very impressive. Just thought I'd let you know as there's been alot of speculationa round this project, but it's getting made by the looks of things

call me Gunerganfurgen

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